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Lead Yourself Forward

Make Your Life

Inner Clarity Training to Grow & Advance

We train intuitive business owners, health and wellness providers, and people who want to make a positive difference how to thrive and prosper as the uniquely intuitive individual you are.  With our laser sharp clarity, direct approach and guidance you'll get the support

you need to actualize your dreams, develop your talent and cultivate your happiness!

This is your life!

You deserve to thrive, prosper and flourish.

That includes happiness, success, joy and harmonious relationships.

Inner conflict is your intuition telling you point blank, "Self, you're out of integrity with your heart.

Address the conflict to live the happy life you deserve!"

The ultimate key to your happiness is learning how to use your feelings as a guide inward

to obtain crystal clarity from within yourself.

What We Help You With

Inner conflict affects every area of your life because it impedes your clarity, generates negative energy, and creates roadblocks to your happiness and success. 

Since intuition is feeling based, resolving that inner conflict is non-negotiable.

The reason it's so hard to identify the actual problem for yourself is simple: you have inner blindspots!

How We Help

We train you how to use your intuition as the guide it is

Health & Wellness Providers

You understand energy, but what's next? On-going training is required to hone and refine your own energy, build your skills and ensure you're in integrity with your heart and soul.

Intuitive Business Owners, ​
Aspiring Entrepreneurs & Executives 

You're intuitive but aren't quite sure how your energy affects your leadership, decision making or dreams. You need help troubleshooting, implementing and moving forward with speed and velocity because

time is of the essence!

Client Experiences

"OMG!? Who would I be without your help? Thank goodness I didn't have to find out!""


"The transformation I've experienced is incredible! This training is profound!!!"


"I increased my revenues $10K a week. I never could have recognized my inner blindspots on my own!


"I'm finally becoming the leader I always wanted to be. People are really appreciating me and listening to my wisdom!"


Home: About
If you don't lead yourself forward,
who's gonna do it for you?

Christi Maybo

Thought-Provoking Training & Events

Insightful, Powerful, and Engaging!

With our unique approach to team building, leadership development, emotional intelligence, and intuitive integration we'll connect your audience members so they're laughing, learning and engaged with hands on exercises. 


Your audience will leave inspired with powerful insights about themselves, newfound connections and actions to implement.

Home: Speaking

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It's your turn for clarity!

Receive the genuine care and concern you give to others. We're here to help YOU!

  • Get the support & guidance you need

  • Understand what you feel and why

  • Develop emotional & intuitive intelligence

  • Become a better and happier you

  • Share your unique talents and abilities

  • Communicate with tact and diplomacy

  • Wield your energy and influence to elevate the people around you 

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